The program will combine plenary, panel, and technical sessions focusing on advanced technologies for water reuse and recycling. A key interest of the conference is how to make these technologies more available by seeking exclusive insights from public utility and governmental leaders, and industrial stakeholders from around the world.
Presentations will address cutting-edge technologies, case studies, direct and indirect potable reuse, financial challenges and funding solutions, non-potable and agricultural reuse, monitoring and control, industrial water reuse and recycling, as well as current issues faced by our industry today.
Conference Registration Desk
The conference registration will be open on Monday, October 11th, from 10:00 -17:30, and again on Tuesday, October 12th from 07:30 am -16:00 at Roma Eventi Centro Congressi- Piazza di Spagna, Via Alibert 5/a, 00187, tel. 0636019016. It will be mandatory to show a valid vaccine card or antigen test valid 48 hours before entry to the conference center. Masks must be worn during the conference following the Italian Ministry of Health Protocols.
Pre-conference IDA Academy Master Class on Water Supply Resilience Planning, and Desalination and Water Reuse Planning
Location: Sala Michelangelo, Roma Eventi Piazza di Spagna
Only pre-registered participants may attend the course
Morning Session
Water Supply Resilience Planning
This segment of the course provides an overview in how coastal cities can potentially plan for increased resilience against shocks and stresses such as drought and climate change, built on the case study of the Cape Town drought. It provides a broad framework of demand and supply and the building blocks for development of a strategy to securing a resilient water future.
Instructed by Dr. Gisela Kaiser, Director Sustainable Water Management, Water Globe Consultants LLC
Afternoon Session
Desalination and Water Reuse Planning
This segment of the course provides an overview of the use of membrane desalination and water reuse as sources of alternative water supply in a diversified portfolio for resilient water supply. The course provides fundamentals of reverse osmosis technology and current trends in desalination and water reuse.
Instructed by Mr. Nikolay Voutchkov, President, Water Globe Consultants LLC
IDA 2021 International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference:
Making Every Drop Count, October 11-13, 2021
The conference includes a half-day pre-conference workshop on the afternoon of October 11th, followed by a Two-day (2) conference program combining keynotes, plenary, panel, and technical sessions focusing on advanced technologies for water reuse and recycling.
Seeking exclusive insights from public and private utility leaders, researchers, and industry stakeholders worldwide, we will discuss making these technologies more available.
Presentations will address cutting-edge technologies, case studies, direct and indirect potable reuse, financial challenges and funding solutions, non-potable and agricultural reuse, monitoring and control, industrial water reuse and recycling, digitalization of water assets, as well as current issues faced by our industry today.
Day 1 – Monday, October 11th | 14:00 – 18:00
Pre-conference Industrial Water Workshop
IDA is pleased to announce Industrial Water workshop sessions as part of IDA’s 2021 International Water Reuse and Recycling Conference in Rome, Italy. As water quantity and quality continue to experience dramatic shifts across the globe, many have begun to look at the industrial sector as a likely early adopter of technologies and solutions to ensure a secure water future.
Water is a truly irreplaceable commodity, and as water scarcity increases, sustainability goals are taking center stage. However, many of the available solutions have remained siloed away from the broader water industry. This workshop will bridge that divide and include a series of sessions led by IDA members, leading consultants, and industrial end-users to discuss issues from planning and policy to detailed technical updates on water reuse and desalination.
Welcome Remark: Mr. Devesh Sharma, Managing Director, Aquatech, USA
Planning, Policy, and Finance: Best Practices for Industrial Water Users
An overview of holistic planning and best practices in Industrial Water and Sustainability Success Stories about Wastewater Management and Water Reuse.
– Mr. Giorgio La Rosa, Area Vice President, IMEA Market Corporate Accounts, Nalco Water Downstream – ECOLAB, Italy
– Mr. Adam Pawelas, Global Utilities Manager, DANONE – EVIAN, France
– Mrs. Daniela Galla, Innovation Manager, Enel, Italy
“ENEL’s Innovation actions for sustainable water management”
Success in Sustainability: Case studies of Wastewater Management and Reuse
An overview of holistic planning and best practices in Industrial Water and Sustainability Success Stories about Wastewater Management and Water Reuse.
– Mr. Simone Callioni, Global Lead for Project Development, Aquatech, Netherlands
“Designing Wastewater Management Strategies”
– Mr. Jeroen De Lathouwer, VP Business Development,Waterleau, Brussels
“Water reuse in the Food & Beverage Industry: Drivers, Challenges & Success Factors”
– Mr. Carlo Zaffaroni, Senior Project Director,GOLDER, Italy
“Sustainability & water re-use: is water re-use always the most sustainable solution?”
– Ms. Daniela Pessina, Process Engineer, WOOD PLC, Italy
“A sustainable way to handle produced water: on-site treatment and return to local environment. The IGS study-case”
Refreshment Break
Pre-conference Public & Private Utilities Summit: Challenges in the Financing of Water Reuse Structures
The following panel discussions will address the challenges public utilities have when incorporating large scale water reuse infrastructure projects, addressing the level of warranties, project structures and models, and financial needs for the various uses of water reuse.
Welcome Remarks: Mr. Borja Blanco, CEO, Aqua Advise, Spain
Water Reuse: Legal, Financing, Governance, and Regulation Barriers
Legal, governance, financing, and regulatory barriers have delayed the development and implementation of water reuse facilities around the world. With only 4% of water being recycled and reused, there is much work to be done. Considering the perspective of public and private sector utilities, the panel will analyze how such barriers will influence the growth and development of reuse projects in the coming years.
Moderator: Mr. Carlos Cosin, IDA President, CEO of Almar Water Solutions, MENA-Spain
– Mr. Bastien Simeon, Partner, Amane Advisors, France
– Dr. Gonzalo Delacamara, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator, IMDEA Water, Spain
– Mr. Eduardo Orteu, Counsel, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados, S. L. P., Spain
Public Utility Challenges: PPP for Water Reuse Projects
Public Private Partnerships are a growing trend in the water sector as there are signaficant advantages for offtakers and stakeholders. In desalination we have seen this business model grow substantially to the majority of world wide projects, whereas in reuse the growth has been limited. Experts will disucss the challenges, opportunities and advantages of PPP for the water reuse sector.
Moderator: Mr. Fernando Vizoso, Director of Infrastructure and Transport, KPMG, Spain
– Mrs. Julie Carles, Principal Investment Officer MENA, IFC, Italy
– Dr. Gonzalo Delacamara, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator, IMDEA Water, Spain
– Dr. Mike Dixon, CEO and Founder, Synauta, Canada
– Mr. Alejandro Jimenez Benitez, Business Development and Strategy Director, ACCIONA, Spain
Closing Remarks
Welcome Reception
Reservation required due to COVID limitations
Day 2 – Tuesday, October 12th
Opening Ceremony
Welcome Remarks:
08:45-08:50 Ms. Shannon K. McCarthy, IDA Secretary General (master of ceremony), USA
08:50-09:00 Mr. Carlos Cosin, IDA President, Spain
09:00-09:05 Mr. Borja Blanco, IDA Technical Program Committee Chairman, Spain
Keynote Speakers
09:05-09:15 H.E. Eng Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Abdulkarim , Governor of Saudi Water Conversion Corporation, Saudi Arabia
09:15-09:20 Mr. Marzouk Al Kharafy, Chairman, Utilities Development Corporation, Sulaibiya Water Reuse Plant, Kuwait
Financial Challenges for Public Utilities Incorporating Water Reuse
This panel will discuss the challenges public utilities have when incorporating large scale water reuse infrastructure projects, addressing the level of warranties, project structures, and financial needs for the various uses of water reuse.
– Mr. Silvio Oliva, CEO, Fisia Italimpianti, Italy
– Dr. Valerio De Molli, CEO, The European House – Ambrosetti, Italy
– HE Dr. Sayed Ismail, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure. Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities, Egypt
– Mr. Andrea Guerrini, President at the European Water Regulators, Italy
– Mrs. Julie Carles, Principal Investment Officer, MENA Region, IFC, Italy
– Mr. Giulio dal Magro, Director of Development Financing CDP, Italy
Smart Cities and Water Recycling: Building Resiliency
– Dr. Tina L. Arrowood, Principal Research Scientist Water Solutions, Dupont, USA
– Mr. Gavin Von Tonder, Water Sector Head, Neom, Saudi Arabia
– HE Dr. Sayed Ismail, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure, Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities, Egypt
– Mr. Pietro Salini, Chairman, Webuild (Salini Impregilio), Italy
Refreshment Break
Technical Sessions
Best Practices in Reuse | Sala Michelangelo
Session Co-Chair:
– Dr. Mike Dixon, CEO & Founder Synauta, Canada
– Mr. Ernesto de la Plata, Bid Manager in the Technical Division of Aqualia
– Mr. Emanuele De Mattia, Process Engineer, Water Treatment & Reverse Osmosis Process Department, Fisia Italimpianti, Italy
“Reuse Of Water — State of Art And Perspectives — A Global Overview”
– Mr. Anand Vashi, Executive Director, Enviro Control Pvt. Ltd., India
“India’s First Largest 40 Mld Capacity Municipal Sewage Reuse Plant For Surat City — A Success Story”
– Mr. Ronald Van ‘t Oever, Product Manager, PENTAIR X-Flow, Netherlands
“Direct Ultra Filtration Of High Solids”
– Dr. Raffaella Meffe, Researcher, IMDEA Water Institute, Spain
“Contaminants of Emerging Concern During Unplanned Water Reuse: A Close-Up on Their Fate under Field Conditions”
– Mr. Lior Eshed, Product Development Manager, IDE Technologies, Israel
“Pulpulse flow RO – New Technology for Desalination of Municipal WWTP Effluent and Brackish Water Applications”
Direct and Indirect Potable Reuse | Sala Fellini
Session Co-Chairs:
– Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, Director of Strategic Development, Suez International, France
– Mr. Gianni Pilati, Global Business Development & Marketing VP Advanced Water Solutions, Italmatch, Italy
– Mrs. Sylvie Baig, Scientific Director of Suez Infrastructure and President of International Ozone Association, France
“The Role of Ozone treatment in Municipal Waste-Water Reuse and Pollutants Removal”
– Mr. Peter Asteberg, Infrastructure Project Manager, Mörbylånga Municipality, DWTP Plant, Sweeden
“Direct Potable Reuse in Combination with Brackish Water Desalination”
– Mr. Ali Ben Haj Hamida, Business Development Manager, Suez Water Technologies & Solutions, Dubai, UAE, and Mr. Samir Abdallah Lutfi, General Manager, Utilities Development Company, Kuwait, sponsor comp
“Sulaibiya Bot Waste Water Treatment And Reclamation Project, The World’s Largest Membrane-Based Water Reclamation Facility — Challenges, Operational Experience, And Lession Learned”
– Mr. Yvan Poussade, Water Research Product Owner, VEOLIA, France, and Mr. Philippe Sauvignet, Industrialization manager, Veolia, France
“Turning Municipal Wastewater To Potable Water Quality By Combining Ozone, Activated Carbon Reactor, And Ultrafiltration”
– Mr. Michael Adelman, Environmental Engineer, Stantec, USA
“Understanding System-Level Operational Impacts In Potable Reuse Planning: Case Studies From San Diego, Ca, USA”
Lunch Break
Water Reuse and Industrial Water Needs: Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities
This panel will discuss the growing need for water reuse applications to support the water footprint of industrial endusers and present outcomes of IDA Industrial Water Workshop.
– Mrs. Veronica Garcia Molina, Global Marketing Leader – Industrial Water & Desalination, Dupont Water Solutions, Spain
– Mr. Bastien Simeon, Partner, Amane Advisors, France
– Mr. Devesh Sharma, IDA First Vice President and Managing Director of Aquatech International, USA
– Mr. Carlo Zaffaroni, Senior Project Director, GOLDER, Italy
– Mr. Adam Pawelas, Global Utilities Manager, Danone-Evian, France
Refreshment Break
Advanced Technologies for Joint Desalination & Water Reuse | Sala Fellini
– Dr. Tina L. Arrowood, Principal Research Scientist Water Solutions, Dupont, USA
– Dr. Domingo Zarzo, Innovation and Strategic Projects Manager, SACYR Water, Spain
– Prof. Erik Roesink, CTO & Founder, NX Filtration, The Netherlands
“Removal of Micropollutants and Closing the Water Cycle Using Hollow-Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes”
– Mr. Gerard Massons, R&D Engineer, Dupont, Spain
“Development of a Novel Method for Biofilm Visualization on Reverse Osmosis Membranes
– Mr. Mateo Pastur Romay, Project Manager, Mateo Cetaqua, Spain
“Advanced Reclaimed Water Desalanition of High Salinty Wastewater”
– Dr. Victor Monsalvo Garcia, Head of Eco-efficiency Area Innovation and Technology Department at Aqualia, FCC Citizen Services, Spain
“Advanced Bio-electrochemical Systems and Membrane-based Processes in Series for Wastewater Reuse in the Food and Beverage Industry”
– Mr. Takahito Nakao, Senior Engineer, Desalination Membrane Department, Toyobo
“Development of Hollow Fiber Membrane for Treating High Salinity Brines and its Industrial Applications”
Non-Potable and Agricultural Reuse | Sala Michelangelo
– Mr. Alejandro Sturniolo, Global Head of Water Reuse & Strategic Partnerships, H2O Innovation, Canada
– Mr. Silvio Oliva, CEO, Fisia Italimpianti, Italy
– Dr. Chrystelle Ayache, Project Manager, Veolia Research & Innovation, France
“Smart-ferti-reuse – a Smart Decision Tool for Fertigation of Agricultural Crops: Assessment of Treated Water Quality”
– Ms. Patricia Terrero-Rodríguez, R&D Engineer, Sacyr Water, Spain
“Drainage Treatment from Hydroponic Greenhouse Production for Its Reuse in Irrigation”
– Dr. Elena Campos, R&D Engineer, Sacyr Water, Spain
“Spanish Desalination and Reuse for Agriculture: A Case Study Overview”
– Mr. Georg Schücking, MS – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – USA
“Enhanced Reuse Of Greenhouse Effluent Using Monovalent Selective Electrodialysis”
A Roman Evening
Reservation required due to COVID limitations
Day 3 – Wednesday, October 13th
Sharing Practical Experience of Reuse Programs: Lessons Learned
Water Reuse is quickly becoming a need for many countries around the globe. In this panel we will gather reuse leaders from countries and regions that have been leading the way in water reuse, such as Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, France, and Kuwait. They will tell us about their practical experience, discuss challenges and opportunities they faced, explain the lessons that have been learned, and will make recommendations for those who want to follow their lead.
– Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz, Director of Strategic Development, Suez International, France
– Mr. Oscar Alvarado, Commercial Director, Toray Membranes, Spain
– Mr. Samer Lutfi, COO, UDC, Kuwait
– Mr. Nuno Broco, Executive VP Aguas de Portugal, Portugal
– Mr. Maarten Nederlof, Senior Policy Advisor, Waterschap Aa en Maas, Belgium
Rapidly Growing Cities of the GCC and North Africa: New Policies for Water Use and Reuse
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It is evident that there is increased awareness of a need for diversified reuse. The Kuwait, KSA, and Egypt are implementing policies that come as a consequence of greater ongoing investment in tertiary treatment of wastewater and improved O&M of the assets that give the agencies assurance of reliable TSE quality that can be cost effectively Reused. There is a great need to adopt Reuse water to replace desalinated water for Industrial purposes and district cooling as part of their sustainability goals and this is driving change.
– Mr. Jose Diaz-Caneja, CEO, Acciona Agua, Spain
– H.E. Eng Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Abdulkarim, Governor of Saudi Water Conversion Corporation, Saudi Arabia
– H.E. Dr. Sayed Ismail, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure. Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities, Egypt
– H.E. Eng. Al-Qureshi, CEO of Saudi Water Partnership Company, Saudi Arabia
– Mr. Marzouk Al Kharafy, Chairman of UDC, Kuwait
Refreshment Break
Technical Sessions
11:15-13:15 Industrial Water Reuse & Recycling | Sala Fellini
Session Chair:
– Mrs. Veronica Garcia-Molina, Global Marketing Leader – Industrial Water & Desalination, Dupont Water Solutions, Spain
– Mr. Jochen Henkel, Technical Services & Development Engineer DACH, DuPont Water Solutions, presented by Mr. Luigi Del Vecchio, Technical Sales Representative, Dupont Water Solutions, Italy
“Cooling Tower Blowdown Water Reuse: From ZLD to MLD”
– Mr. Daniele Ciferri, Global Technical Development Manager IW&PT, Italmatch Chemicals, Italy
“Severe Calcium Sulphate Scale Control In Industrial Re-Use Ro System”
– Mr. Mohammed Almugahwi, Water Treatment Engineer, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
“A Journey in Saving Natural Resources”
– Ms. Morgan Messer, Student, Oregon State University, USA, present by Mr. Mohammed A. Elhashimi, Research Assistant, Oregon State University
“An Experimental and Comparative Analysis of Humidification Techniques For Oil And Gas Wastewater Treatment”
11:15-13:15 Cutting Edge Technologies | Sala Michelangelo
Session Co-Chairs:
– Mr. Michael Tamer, VP Sales & Marketing, IDE Technologies Group
– Mr. Roberto Mangano, Managing Director, ILF Consulting Engineers
– Dr. Tina L. Arrowood, Principal Research Scientist Water Solutions, Dupont, USA
“Saving More With More Savings”: Ultra-High Pressure Reverse Osmosis Systems Using Energy Recovery for Zero-Liquid Discharge”
– Mr. Nick Herold, Applications Engineer, Synauta, Canada
“Optimizing Reverse Osmosis”
– Ms. Patricia Terrero-Rodríguez, R&D Engineer, Technical Area Department, Sacyr Water , Spain
“Recycled NF and UF Membranes: Pilot Plant Results”
– Mr. Matthias Fuhrland, COO, Fluvicon GmbH, Germany
“Ionosmosis – A New Basic Technology With a Wide Range of Applications”
– Mr. Adriano Dias, Hardware Designer, WEG Automation, Brazil
“Modulation Techniques Applied to Medium-Voltage Variable Speed Drives — She and Opp”
Lunch Break
Technical Sessions
15:15-16:45 Industrial Water Reuse & Recycling | Sala Michelangelo
Session Chair:
– Mr. Oscar Alvarado, Comercial Director, Toray Membrane Europe, Spain
– Mr. Martin Kureck, Process Engineering Manager, Koch Separation Solutions, Germany
“Water Recovery Beyond Effluent Treatment – Membrane Filtration Applications For In-Process Water Recycling In The Food & Dairy Industry”
– Ms. Elisenda Taberna, Innovation Engineer, Veolia Water Technologies, Spain
“An Innovative Recycling Scheme To Increase The Water Efficiency In The Petrochemical Industry”
– Mr. Carlos Echevarría, MsC, Cetaqua, Spain
“Innovative Solutions To Minimize Brine Discharges In The Mining & Matallurgy Industry”
– Dr. Elena Campos, R&D Engineer, Sacyr Water, Spain
“Success Stories Of Water Reuse In The Industrial Sector”
15:15-16:45 Cutting Edge Technologies | Sala Fellini
Session Chair:
– Mr. Johnny Obeid, VP Middle East, Sidem-Veolia, France
– Mr. Alvaro Lagartos, Senior Application Engineer, LG Chem, Spain
“The Influence Of Feed Spacer In Reverse Osmosis Operation: A Case Study With A New Development”
– Ms. María Elena Rodríguez Hernández -Water Engineering Director, Indar, Spain
“Fish Friendly Pumps for the New dilution pumping station: carlsbad desalination plant”
– Mr. Mohammed Elhashimi, Research Assistant Oregon State University, USA
“Assessment Of Humid Air-Solids Cyclone Separators In A Novel Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination Cycle”
–Mr. Toni Bechtel, Dupont Water Solutions, USA – Presented by Tina Arrowood
“Petrochemical Wastewaster Made Reusable With High Performance Reverse Osmosis Membranes”
Legal Frameworks on Reuse for Agriculture and Drinking Water
With the EU directive in place and success stories from projects that have already crossed over regulatory barriers, this panel will analyze and discuss how to replicate these examples and learn from them to ensure wider progress for addressing water scarcity.
– Mr. Carlos Cosin, CEO, Almar Water Solutions, MENA-Spain
– Hon. Antonio Luengo, Regional Minister of Water and Agriculture, Murcia, Spain
– Mrs. Concepción Marcuello, Adjoint to the Deputy Director for Water, Planning and Sustainable Water Use – Water General Directorate Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Spain
– Dr. Domingo Zarzo Martínez, Innovation and Strategic Projects Manager, Sacyr, Spain
– Mrs. Menatalla Sadek, CEO, Hassam Allam Utilities, Egypt
– Mr. Luigi Patimo, General Manager, Acciona, Italy
– Mr. Pedro Simon, Techncial Director, Esamur Co., Regional Government of Murcia, Spain
– Mr. Giordano Collarullo, Director, Utilitalia, Italy
SWCC Innovation in Non-conventional Water Technologies
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Topic & Objectives: This workshop presents recent advancements and innovations in the field of membrane desalination. The key themes of the webinar encompass advances in reverse osmosis membrane science and technology; practical innovations in plant operations such as means and methods for pretreatment filter performance enhancements and clean in place cartridge filters; novel brine concentration technologies; and recent achievements in membrane distillation.
– Dr. Ahmed Al Amoudi, General Director of Desalination Technology Research Institute, SWCC
16:45-17:00 Dr. Seungwon Ihm, Senior Expert, Desalination Technology Research Institute, SWCC, KSA
“Multistage Nanofiltration System for Supplementing Drinking Water with Magnesium Extracted from Brine”
17:00–17:15 Dr. Byungsung Park, Senior Desalination Expert, Desalination Technology Research Institute, SWCC, KSA
“Optimizing Pretreatment Performance”
17:15–17:30 Eng. Abdulrahman Abutaleb, Engineer, Desalination Technology Research Institute, SWCC, KSA
“Novel Clean-In-Place System for Cartridge Filters”
17:30–17:45. Eng. Nikolay Voutchkov, Senior Expert, Desalination Technology Research Institute, SWCC, KSA
“Brine Mining – the Path Forward”
17:45–18:00 – Questions and Discussions, Dr. Ahmed Al Amoudi (Moderator)
Closing Ceremony and Awards
– Dr. Teodoro Estrela Monreal, General Director of Water, Ministery of Environment, Spain
IDA specializes in bringing together professionals from a variety of backgrounds—technical, finance, legal, project development, utilities, academic and R&D—to help you form new partnerships and develop new business opportunities.
Join us in Rome and benefit from the IDA network.
Building Resilient Water Solutions: IDA Water Reuse & Recycling Conference
This October, the International Desalination Association is pleased to present the third International Water Reuse & Recycling Conference, held in Rome, Italy, from October 11-13, 2021